استفتائات جدید حضرت آیه الله العظمی محقق کابلی (مدظله العالی) صفحه 28

صفحه 28

پاسخ دهنده: معظم له

تيمم لازم نيست.


I have not paid Khoms for 3 years [خمس]

I have not paid Khoms for 3 years and I would like to do that now. I know my income for each year and the total for the 3 years that I have not paid. The money was deposited in a bank which paid me interest; the amount is known to me. I would like to know how to calculate the Khoms of my income for the past 3 years.

Also, each year I have made contributions to building of mosques and other charitable causes. Is it possible to count those contributions as Khoms while knowing that at the time I had not intended it to be Khoms?



پاسخ دهنده: معظم له

In His Name

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